Call for Abstracts
Speaker's Guideline
  • Abstract Guidelines
  • Online Submission
  • Speaker's Guideline
  • Awards
Speaker's Guideline
1. General Information
1-1. Registration
All speakers must need to sign-up and complete their registration in the IFFAS 2024 official website ( To get an opportunity of early bird rate, we recommend you to make a registration by April 30, 2024, and the detailed information is in the guidelines on the website. (Click here to check the registration guidelines.)
Should you have any queries while you make a registration, please contact our registration team by email at
1-2. Speaker’s File Submission
All Speakers are requested to submit their presentation file by May 10, 2024. The submission is only available in the abstract submitter’s MYPAGE, and click the ‘details’ on the abstract submission category.
Your presentation code will be given around the mid of February after the scientific committee of IFFAS 2024 re-arranges the presentation order, and it will be informed on your MYPAGE in the ‘Abstract Submission’ category.
1-3. Preview Room
All speakers are requested to visit the preview room at least 1 hour before to submit the final version of presentation file and also to check the presentation material works well. If you modify your presentation file on site, it must be informed to the staff at the preview room to change the version at the session room.
Location Room 201 (2F), Coex
Operating Hours May 30 – June 1, 07:00~16:30
1-4. Consent Form
Consent form is needed to agree of recording on-site, producing your file to publication, and so on. Please read the details in the form which will be given by the email or you can also download it on the ‘mypage’ at the top of ‘Abstract Submission’ page.
2. Oral Presentation Guidelines
2-1. Presentation Schedule
Each presenter will be given a time slot of 6 minutes to give a presentation and after all session finish, there will be 10 to 20 minutes of discussion depending on the time management.
To have an equal opportunity for each speaker, please keep the time.
2-2. Presentation File Format
Please prepare your presentation file as below.
A speaker who wants to play a video file during the presentation must inform to the staff and A/V technician in advance at the preview room to confirm it works without any problem.
2-2-1. Technical Requirements PowerPoint Presentations
Make sure your PowerPoint presentation is in 16:9 ratio (1,920 x 1,080 pixels).
Videos and pictures must be embedded in PowerPoint.
Do not use links to YouTube or other webservices in your presentations.
If you use fonts not included in the Windows 10 system you should send them ahead to the Secretariat of IFFAS 2024 with your presentation file by the deadline.
2-2-2. Technical Requirements Video Formats
Resolution: 1,920 x 1,080 pixels
Frame rate: 25 or 50 fps
Bitrate: approximately 10,000 kb/s is enough
Compression: H.264
.mp4 files are preferred but we can handle most common video formats.
2-2-3. Technical Requirements Audio
Resolution: 16-bit
Bitrate: 192–320 kb/s
Sample frequency: 44,1 kHz
2-2-4. Technical Requirements Graphics and Images
Resolution: 1,920 x 1,080 pixels (for full screen)
Format: .png and .jpeg for pictures embedded in PowerPoint presentations.
3. E-poster Presentation Guidelines
3-1. Presentation Schedule
E-poster will be displayed fully during the Congress. Participants are freely to find and you’re your e-posters in the Exhibition hall, D2 on 3F. Please note that there will be no podium presentation time in person for the e-poster, however it will be recommended if you introduce your e-poster in front of the DID screen to help the audiences understanding.
But please aware that due to change of operating schedule of exhibition hall and the e-poster presentation section, the operating hour of E-poster will be 09:00 to 17:00 from May 30 to June 1, 2024.
3-2. Presentation File Format
    Please prepare your presentation file as below.
    3-2-1. Technical Requirements
    Make sure you have to submit your e-poster in PDF format.
    PDF file must be produced in 1,080 X 1,920 pixels and recommended to make in 1 page.
    Pictures must be embedded in PDF.
    A video and/or audio is not allowed to insert.
    Do not use links to YouTube or other webservices in your presentations.
    If you use fonts not included in the Windows 10 system you should send them ahead to the Secretariat of IFFAS 2024 with your presentation file by the deadline.
    3-2-2. Equipment
    DID system with 55-inch touch screen
3-3. E-poster Display
E-poster display plan will be informed when the exhibition hall layout is confirmed.